Sunday, July 27, 2008

oohh boy!

i feeeelll in loooveee with glen hansard...

couple days ago, me and aryo watched dvd called ONCE. dan dari film itulah gue pertama kali liat dia dan langsung terpesona sama suaranya. honestly,emang glen hansard ga sefenomenal david cook yang udah suaranya dashat dan bertampang ciamik pula. tapi lagu2 di film itu menurut gue bisa banget buat ngalahin fenomenanya david cook. song that i love the most from the ONCE original movie soundtrack adalah fallen from the sky,karena jenis musiknya paling beda dibanding lagu2 yg lain and this song make me feel happy. kalo dilihat dari jalan ceritanya sih film ini menurut gue ga terlalu luar biasa,bahkan endingnya membuat gue berkomentar "HAAAHHH!cuma segini aja?" and i don't know whether this movie had happy or sad ending,all i know that it is a 'gantung' ending. but what the heck,i really loves his voice and song!

scene from the movie. somewhere around Ireland.

yes,i already told you that i love his voice and his song. his face?? umm i don't think so. hahahha. pardon me. i'm just trying-to-be-honest person. LOL.

what i recommend for you guys is to hear the movie original soundtrack, you gonna love it! but if you don't, please don't sue me!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

job interview

hari senin kemaren gue dateng untuk job interview ..sebenernya gue gak tau kerjaan apa yang mereka tawarin karena ga pernah ngirim CV ke perusahaan itu..tiba2 aja hari jumat yang lalu orang dari perusahaan nelpon ke rumah gue dan bilang 'kalau berminat silahkan datang hari senin besok untuk wawancara'. and because i think there's nothing to lose maka datanglah gue untuk wawancara kerja for the 1st time of my entire life, tanpa persiapan dan harapan apa2..

yep,gue dateng ke kantor mereka di daerah thamrin jam 9 teng!pas nyampe disana udah ada 3 org temen2 kampus yang ternyata juga mengalami 'nasib' yang sama dengan gue. setelah ngisi lembar biodata kita disuruh nunggu untuk giliran wawancara. daaaann kemudian datanglah giliran gue..well,this is my favorite part of this get yourself ready!

mbak pewawancara (mp) : selamat siang (sambil menjulurkan tanganya)
gue (g) : selamat siang (menerima juluran tangan si mbak)
bapak pewawancara (bp) : (ikutan salaman juga)
mp : siapa namanya?
g : ayu
mp : kuliah dimana?
g : di anu pak
mp : udah semester berapa?
g : semester 8 dan sedang mengerjakan skripsi
mp : sampai mana skripsinya?
g : bab 3, doain cepet selse ya mbak (sambil senyum manis manja group)
bp : ttg apa skripsinya?
g : stres pada ehem pak *sori subyek penelitian harus dirahasiakan*
bp : kenapa tertarik dengan topik itu?
g : skripsi saya kan tentang hardiness pada ehem, nah karena hardiness itu tergolong teori yang masih baru di Indonesia maka saya tertarik untuk menelitinya pak
bp : kenapa subyeknya ehem
mp : ya karena ehem banyak ngelanggar pak
g : iya pak (sambil berkata dalam hati "nah tuh si mbak aja tau alasannya,piye toh pak?")
mp : terus kamu udah pernah nge tes?
g : belom pernah
mp : kalau tugas kuliah gitu?
g : iya pernah
mp : tes apa aja
g : tes a,b,c,d,e (maaf ga bisa disebut rahasia dapur nih :D)
bp : kalau yang lainnya?
g : ehmm (berkata dalam hati "deeng!gawat nih..apa lagi ya?kok gue bisa lupa semua gini) maaf pak saya lupa nama tesnya aja (tersenyum kecut!)
mp dan bp : senyum (perkiraan gue mereka pasti bilang gini dalam hati "yiiiihhhaaa akhirnya lo ga bisa jawab!")
bp : emang universitas kamu tuh cuma gede nama doang...masih bagusan anak2 dari universitas itu
g : diam seribu bahasa
................................. (ini maksudnya ada part wawancara yang gue skip,kepanjangan entar bo)
bp : kamu pernah pergi sendirian ke luar kota?
g : sendirian?maksudnya bener2 sendirian?tanpa temen2?
bp : iya
g : klo bener2 sendirian belum pernah pak (sambil berkata "diiiihh ngapain juga gue keluar kota sendirian")
mp : klo misalnya kamu disuruh pergi ke luar kota sendirian berani gak? jadi misalnya kamu disuruh ke kalimantan trus disana udah ada yang jemput,berani gak?
g : ya asal semua udah jelas dan pasti trus ada yg bertanggung jawab selama saya disana, saya berani mba
bp : yakin nih? gak mesti nelpon ibu kamu dulu
g : (seeettt...nyari ribut ni orang...) enggak pak,enggak perlu
bp : emang kalau pergi bareng temen-temen kamu sering?
g : lumayan pak
bp : kemana aja?
g : terakhir kali backpackers ke bgk sm sing
bp : tuh backpacker tuh..katanya kamu mau (ngomong ke si mbak)
mp : kamu nginepnya di hotel backpacker?
g : iya mba (lah wong namanya juga bekpeker,klo mampu nginep di hotel bintang 5 ngapain jadi bekpeker kan?)
bp : (bertanya hal yang gue gak bisa jawab karena entah mengapa tiba2 gue jadi amnesia)
g : (senyum2 karena bingung mesti jawab apa)
mp : (ikutan senyum)
bp,mp,g : (semuanya senyum)
bp : kamu kebanyakan jalan2 nih...ilmunya ketinggalan di bekpek semua ya (tertawa bahagia)
g : (hooookkk! tersenyum miris )
bp : emang masih bagusan anak (sambil menyebut nama univesitas lain)
mp : iya bener lho itu
g : (mencoba tersenyum walau sakit tak tertahankan...ciiiihhh!)

moral of the story
1. emang sih menyenangkan tertawa diatas penderitaan org lain, tapi mbok ya liat2 tempat. jangan mentang2 lagi diatas bisa seenaknya sama yg dibawah. ingat pak dunia masih tetap berputar
2. klo udah tau univ. anu jelek ngapain minta2 mhswnya dateng buat interview pdhl dia ga pnh apply buat kerjaan itu?
3. ini saran dan pendapat pribadi sih, buat org2 yg lagi nyari kerja,klo pas wwcr udah ngerasa aura2 gak nyaman sama si calon bos mending jangan masuk perusahaan itu deh..daripada situ makan ati tiap hari...cape bo..
4. cerita ini fakta meskipun dialognya tidak sama persis seperti kejadian sebenarnya dan dengan ditambah bumbu penyedap cerita. tidak ada maksud mendiskreditkan pihak manapun.
5. kepada mp dan bp saya ucapkan terima kasih karena telah memberikan saya pengalaman berharga. even though i would rather to not having that experience (bener ga sih ni bahasanya?)

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


mine suck!
how about yours?
all day i just sit in front of my computer and have chat with my awesome friends. i thought this holiday will be a blast but i guess i was wrong, gosh! and i can't stop singing this song

Do you hear me,I'm talking to you
Across the water across the deep blue ocean
Under the open sky, oh my, baby I'm trying
Boy I hear you in my dreams
I feel your whisper across the sea
I keep you with me in my heart
You make it easier when life gets hard
I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again
Ooohh ooooh oooh oooh ooh ooh ooh ooh
They don't know how long it takes
Waiting for a love like this
Every time we say goodbye
I wish we had one more kiss
I'll wait for you
I promise you, I will
I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again
Lucky we're in love every way
Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed
Lucky to be coming home someday
And so I'm sailing through the sea
To an island where we'll meet
You'll hear the music fill the air
I'll put a flower in your hair
Though the breezes through trees
Move so pretty you're all I see
As the world keeps spinning round
You hold me right here right now

Sunday, July 13, 2008

four and a half

our first story

1st movie : love actually (yes darling i know what actually love is when i met you)

1st month celebration : we still in high school back then, but i still remember what we've done to celebrate our 1st month anniversary. Aryo brought me slice of strawberry cake (which i love the most) and a card. we ate the cake together and just talking about anything. it was the perfect lunch time i ever had in high school. thanks to you dear.

1st date : well,I'm not sure when was our first date. is it after we officially dating or our first 'hang out' together ?? if i have to choose i prefer to explain about our first unofficially date. it was Monday night in CITOS. we bought coffee in Gloria Jean's (now the cafe already closed :() and just playing LUDO and ULAR TANGGA there. aryo tell me that few days later he's going to Bali for holiday with his friends so he need to buy something in groceries store. then we plan to go home but now the rain is falling. so we end up drink another cup of coffee in Starbucks. after the rain stop, aryo take me home and come to my house to meet my parents. when he about to leave,surprisingly he asked me to become her girlfriend and yes i really happy but I'm not ready to be in any serious relationship. that's why i asked him to give me time to think. and finally i two days later we officially dating. I'm his and he's mine now!

today,its our four and half years anniversary.

happy anniversary dear
this story is my gift for you
i love you as always